January 2011

Nepa Rastriya Party celebrating fourth of its establishment: The Newah extends greetings on the occasion

Yen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – Nepalโ€™s only party โ€œdedicatedโ€ for the cause of Newar population in and outside Nepal Mandala is celebrating its fourth year of establishment as a party from 15 to 17 of this month in Kathmandu city and its suburb Lalitpur. The Newah family extend its heartiest congratulations to NRP and its […]

Nepa Rastriya Party celebrating fourth of its establishment: The Newah extends greetings on the occasion Read More ยป

The Newah Turns Four

The Newah, the worldโ€™s only blog to exchange news and views in Nepal Bhasa and English about Nepal culture and human rights gratefully acknowledge the support from its readers on its fourth birthday, today! Thank you for your interest in our efforts of sharing news and views of all of us alike, who care for who we are.

The Newah Turns Four