The first conference of the World Fellowship of The Newah has been proposed to be held in conjunction of the 1131st celebration of the Nepal New Year in October 2010. This has been suggested in an article published in Laykoo, a Nepal-Khasa Bhasa bimonthly in Kathmandu. Writing the article titled “Need to organize a World Fellowship of The Newah”, from Tokyo, Suwarn Vajracharya has presented a summary of the chronology of proposal, communication and discussion on the matter held through visits, meetings and emails on NESOCA and Jwajalapa groups and has sought further consultation and discussion with interested individuals and organization to hold the first ever world conference of Newah community residing at home and abroad. Responding to the article by Vajracharya, Darsha Newahmi from USA deals with the original idea and people interested in and some initiative taken some years ago to organize the world gathering of the Newah community. For more, please click below to read the articles in both Nepal and Khas Bhasas.
१) विश्व नेवाः भातृत्व सम्मेलनया आवश्यकता
२) विश्व नेवाः सम्मेलनयाबारे छुँ खँ
We are collecting your ideas to study how we organize the World Newah conference. You are kindly requested to share your ideas regarding the proposal.
To do so, please click “Comments” below the line or send in your article to: [email protected]