- The World’s 1st Multilingual Nepal Calendar is out.𑐴𑐮𑐶𑐩𑐫𑑂 𑐡𑐎𑐮𑐫𑑂 𑐣𑑂𑐴𑐵𑐥𑐵𑑃𑐐𑐸 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮𑐮𑐶𑐥𑐶 𑐮𑐶𑐏𑐶𑐟 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮𑐳𑑄𑐰𑐟 𑑑𑑑𑑔𑑕 𑐣𑐐𑐸𑐩𑐵 𑐥𑐶𑐴𑐵𑑃 𑐰𑐮 1145.1(Kachhala).2 – Nepal Mandala November 3, 2024On the occasion of… Read more: The World’s 1st Multilingual Nepal Calendar is out.
- Links to News on Nepal Bhasa, Lipi, and Naguma / 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮𑐨𑐵𑐳, 𑐮𑐶𑐥𑐶, 𑐰 𑐣𑐐𑐸𑐩𑐵𑐫𑐵 𑐧𑐸𑐏𑑃𑐫𑐵 𑐮𑐶𑑄𑐎𑑂𑐨𑐵𑐳, 𑐮𑐶𑐥𑐶𑐫𑐵 𑐳𑑄𑐬𑐎𑑂𑐲𑐞 𑐫𑐵𑐫𑐾𑐐𑐸 𑐫𑑀𑐖𑐣𑐵 𑐡𑐸 : 𑐩𑐾𑐫𑐬 𑐥𑑂𑐬𑐖𑐵𑐥𑐟𑐶 (𑐣𑐾.𑐳𑑄. 𑑑𑑑𑑓𑑘. 𑑙(𑐟𑐕𑐮𑐵). 𑑖 / 2018.6.19) – 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮𑐨𑐵𑐲𑐵 𑐚𑐵𑐂𑐩𑑂𑐳 𑐳𑑂𑐰𑐣𑐶𑐐𑑅𑐫𑐵 𑐧𑐸𑐏𑑃)
- Webinar on how to use Nepal Lipi on computer, online and SNSs / 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮𑐮𑐶𑐥𑐶 𑐎𑐩𑑂𑐥𑑂𑐫𑐹𑐚𑐬𑐾 𑐣𑐵𑐥𑑃 𑐳𑐵𑐩𑐵𑐖𑐶𑐎 𑐳𑐘𑑂𑐖𑐵𑐮𑐫𑑂 𑐕𑐾𑐮𑐵𑐧𑐸𑐮𑐵𑐫𑐵 𑐐𑑀𑐲𑑂𑐛𑐶NS 1140 Yenla (11) 7A webinar was held to guide how to write Nepal Lipi (Nepal script) on computers and… Read more: Webinar on how to use Nepal Lipi on computer, online and SNSs / 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮𑐮𑐶𑐥𑐶 𑐎𑐩𑑂𑐥𑑂𑐫𑐹𑐚𑐬𑐾 𑐣𑐵𑐥𑑃 𑐳𑐵𑐩𑐵𑐖𑐶𑐎 𑐳𑐘𑑂𑐖𑐵𑐮𑐫𑑂 𑐕𑐾𑐮𑐵𑐧𑐸𑐮𑐵𑐫𑐵 𑐐𑑀𑐲𑑂𑐛𑐶
- 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮𑐮𑐶𑐥𑐶 𑐀𑐣𑐮𑐵𑐂𑐣𑐫𑐵 𑐠𑐷𑐠𑐷 𑐥𑑂𑐬𑑀𑐖𑐾𑐎𑑂𑐚𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮𑐮𑐶𑐥𑐶 𑐀𑐣𑐮𑐵𑐂𑐣𑑂 𑐥𑐵𑐏𑐾𑑃 𑐠𑐷𑐠𑐷 𑐥𑑂𑐬𑑀𑐖𑐾𑐎𑑂𑐚𑑂 𑐣𑑂𑐴𑑂𑐫𑐵𑐎𑐾𑐟𑐾𑑄𑐐𑐸 𑐡𑐸𑑋 𑑑. 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮𑐮𑐶𑐥𑐶 𑐦𑐣𑑂𑐚 𑐜𑐶𑐖𑐵𑐂𑐣𑑂𑑒. 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮𑐨𑐵𑐳 𑐂𑑄𑐐𑑂𑐮𑐶𑐳𑑂 𑐏𑑃𑐐𑑂𑐰𑐢𑐸𑐎𑐹 𑐀𑐣𑐮𑐵𑐂𑐣𑑂 𑐠𑑂𑐰 𑐥𑑂𑐬𑑀𑐖𑐾𑐎𑑂𑐚𑐫𑑂 𑐖𑑂𑐫𑐵𑐫𑐵 𑐨𑐵𑐮𑐵𑐎𑐵𑐫𑑂 𑐦𑐸𑐥𑐶𑐣𑑂𑐟… Read more: 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮𑐮𑐶𑐥𑐶 𑐀𑐣𑐮𑐵𑐂𑐣𑐫𑐵 𑐠𑐷𑐠𑐷 𑐥𑑂𑐬𑑀𑐖𑐾𑐎𑑂𑐚
- Nepal Lipi Online returns with a new face-liftNepal Lipi Online (NLO), the World’s first online portal in Nepal Lipi returns with a new face lift. The new… Read more: Nepal Lipi Online returns with a new face-lift
- NLO 1139 Digest is published in tribute to Dr. Padma Ratna TuladharWith best wishes for a Happy New Year Nepal Samvat 1139, the Nepal Lipi Online is happy to inform that… Read more: NLO 1139 Digest is published in tribute to Dr. Padma Ratna Tuladhar
- नेपाल संवत ११३६ राष्ट्रीय न्हूदँ समारोह समितिया नाय: डा. महेशमान श्रेष्ठयेँ (नेपाल मण्डल) – नेपाल संवत ११३६ या राष्ट्रीय न्हूदँ समारोह समितिया नाय:कथँ डा. महेशमान श्रेष्ठजुयात ल्य:गु दु। नेवा:तय् दथुइ… Read more: नेपाल संवत ११३६ राष्ट्रीय न्हूदँ समारोह समितिया नाय: डा. महेशमान श्रेष्ठ
- नेपाल संवत ११३६ न्हूदँया लसताय् नेपालभास नेपाललिपिँ हे च्वयेनु मंका अभियान न्ह्याकीगुयेँ, नेपाल मण्डल – नेपालदेसया राष्ट्रीय संवत नेपाल संवत ११३६दँ क्यंगु न्हूदँया लसताय् “नेपाललिपि अनलाइन” व “लिपिपौ” जाना “नेपालभास नेपाललिपिँ… Read more: नेपाल संवत ११३६ न्हूदँया लसताय् नेपालभास नेपाललिपिँ हे च्वयेनु मंका अभियान न्ह्याकीगु
- Buddha Path in Indian foreign policy: the Government commemorates Sri Lankan revivalist’s 150th birth anniversarySource: Buddha Path in Indian foreign policy: the Government commemorates Sri Lankan revivalist’s 150th birth anniversary
- Buddha Path in Indian foreign policy: the Government commemorates Sri Lankan revivalist’s 150th birth anniversaryBuddhagaya, India – It is heartening to learn the Governemnt of India is celebrating 150th Birthday anniversary of Anagarika Dharmapala… Read more: Buddha Path in Indian foreign policy: the Government commemorates Sri Lankan revivalist’s 150th birth anniversary
- India, Japan plan to restore Nepal’s cultural heritageYen (Kathmandu), NS 1135 Bachhala 27, It is reported today that India, Japan plan to restore Nepal’s cultural heritage and… Read more: India, Japan plan to restore Nepal’s cultural heritage
- VPT honours distinct Vajracharya persons / वज्राचार्य संरक्षण गुथिँ बिस्कँया ब्यक्तित्वयात हनयेँ, नेपालमण्डल – ने.सं. ११३५ चिल्ला २३ (2015.3.13) – येँया वज्राचार्य संरक्षण गुथिँ (Vajracharya Preservation Trust) बिस्कँया ब्यक्तित्वयात हंगुदु। स्वयम्भुया… Read more: VPT honours distinct Vajracharya persons / वज्राचार्य संरक्षण गुथिँ बिस्कँया ब्यक्तित्वयात हन
- Jagat Sundar Bwanekuthi celebrates its silver jubilee / जगत सुन्दर ब्वनेकुथियात २५ दँ क्यँगु लसताय् – गुहालीयापिन्त हनेज्या व अक्षय कोषया पलिस्थायेँ, नेपालमण्डल – ने.सं. चिल्ला ६ (2015.2.24) कुन्हु येँया जगत सुन्दर ब्वनेकुथियात २५दँ क्यंगु लसताय् स्कूलयात गुहालियापिँ जपान व नेपा:या… Read more: Jagat Sundar Bwanekuthi celebrates its silver jubilee / जगत सुन्दर ब्वनेकुथियात २५ दँ क्यँगु लसताय् – गुहालीयापिन्त हनेज्या व अक्षय कोषया पलिस्था
- The World Newah Organization extends its support to the non-agreement movement launched by Indigenous peoples led by Dr. TuladharLondon – The World Newah Organization (WNO) extends its support to the non agreement movement being launched under the leadership… Read more: The World Newah Organization extends its support to the non-agreement movement launched by Indigenous peoples led by Dr. Tuladhar
- Unicode Team will be in Kathmandu in early October for a week long meeting.A team of script encoding experts of Unicode will be visiting Kathmandu for talks with individuals and organizations that are… Read more: Unicode Team will be in Kathmandu in early October for a week long meeting.
- वज्राचार्य संरक्षण गुथिया न्हूगु ज्यासना पुच:येँ, नेपालमण्डल – नेपाल संवत ११३३ चिल्लाथ्व १ (पारु)/२०६९फाल्गुन २९ कुन्हु मुंगु वज्राचार्य संरक्षण गुथिया वार्षिक साधारण सभाँ न्हुगु ज्यासना… Read more: वज्राचार्य संरक्षण गुथिया न्हूगु ज्यासना पुच:
- Nepal Lipi Online New Year 1133 Supplement
- झीगु माँभास नेपालभासया आधारहे नेपाल लिपि(नेवा: सन्देस वा:पौ ४३(पीस्वँ) ल्याखय् ली पिदंगु च्वसू) नेवा: सन्देस वा:पौ पिहाँ वसाँनिसे नेपालभास ब्वमितय् नुग: भचा थाहाँ वयाच्वंगुदु धायेमा।… Read more: झीगु माँभास नेपालभासया आधारहे नेपाल लिपि
- Dr. Padma Ratna Tuladhar presides over the 18th World Indigenous Day celebrations in Tokyoतो:क्यो: (ने.सं. ११३२ गुँलागा/श्रावणकृष्ण ११(एकादसि) – नेपाल आदिवासी जनजाती महासंघ जपानया ग्वसालय् १८ (झिंच्या) क:गु हलिँ (विश्व) आदिवासी दिँया लसताय् आदिवासी जनजातीया अग्रज नाय:,… Read more: Dr. Padma Ratna Tuladhar presides over the 18th World Indigenous Day celebrations in Tokyo
- Indigenous day celebrations in Tokyoहलिँ (बिश्व) आदिवासी दिँया ज्याझ्वया तयारी पुरा तो:क्यो, ११३२ गुँलागा/साउनकृष्ण ४ – नेपाल आदिवासी जनजाती महासंघ जपानँ थ्व हे अगष्ट १२ तारिख… Read more: Indigenous day celebrations in Tokyo
- 18th World Indigenous Day celebration in Kathmanduहलिमय् आदिवासी जुयेनु छवा: । आदिवासी जनजातिया अभीयान, जातीय पहिचान सहितया संघीय संविधान धैगु नारा ज्वना १८(झिंच्या) कगु हलिँ आदिवासी दिँया लसताय् पिकागु… Read more: 18th World Indigenous Day celebration in Kathmandu
- Thankyou Teacher!On the occasion of the Teachers’ Day, the Full Moon Day of July, that celebrate the Teachers’ day in Nepal… Read more: Thankyou Teacher!
- The Sacred Town of Sankhu, a book by Shrestha launched in OxfordOxford – ‘The Sacred Town of Sankhu: The Anthropology of Newar Ritual, Religion and Society in Nepal” the latest book… Read more: The Sacred Town of Sankhu, a book by Shrestha launched in Oxford
- थ:गु पहिचान सहितया राज्य प्राप्तिया नितिँ व:गु थूगु अवसरय् नेपा: पार्टि नापँ न्ह्यावनेत आव्हानथ:गु पहिचान सहितया राज्य प्राप्तिया नितिँ व:गु थूगु अवसरय् नेपा: पार्टि नापँ न्ह्यावनेत आव्हान याना पार्टि प्रवक्ता किरण शाक्यँ पिकया दीगु… Read more: थ:गु पहिचान सहितया राज्य प्राप्तिया नितिँ व:गु थूगु अवसरय् नेपा: पार्टि नापँ न्ह्यावनेत आव्हान
- Interaction program on “Review of dissolved CA and preview of new election” in Nepal on June 1stयेँ, नेपाल मण्डल – संविधानसभाया ४ (पे)दँया सिंहावलोकन व घोषणा या:गु संविधान सभाया निर्वाचन” विषय चक्कँ खँल्हाबल्हा (अन्तर्कृया) ज्याझ्वय् बहुष्कृत… Read more: Interaction program on “Review of dissolved CA and preview of new election” in Nepal on June 1st
- नेपाल सरकार व आदिवासी जनजाति संयुक्त संघर्ष समिति नाप सहमति जुलयेँ, नेपाल मण्डल – नेपाल सरकारया वार्ता पुच: व आदिवासी जनजाति संयुक्त संघर्ष समिति, नेपालया दथुइ म्हिग: ने.सं. ११३२ तछलाथ्व २ (२०६९… Read more: नेपाल सरकार व आदिवासी जनजाति संयुक्त संघर्ष समिति नाप सहमति जुल
- आदिवासी आन्दोलनयात आदिवासी संघ जपानया एक्येवद्धतातो:क्यो: – जातीय पहिचान दुथ्यागु संघीयताया माग याना आन्दोलन याना च्ँवपिँ आदिवासी जनजाति संयुक्त संघर्ष समितिया आन्दोलनयात नेपाल आदिवासी जनजाति महासंघ जपानँ एक्येबद्धता प्वंकूगु दु। सोमवा: कुन्हु छगु विज्ञप्ती… Read more: आदिवासी आन्दोलनयात आदिवासी संघ जपानया एक्येवद्धता
- No alternative to federalism in Nepal: Newar community demonstrateग्वार्कोय् टियर ग्याँस प्रहार। आन्दोलनकारीतेगु दवावँ पुलिसत लिहाँ वन। Police threw tier gas at the peaceful demonstration at Gwarko, Kathmandu.… Read more: No alternative to federalism in Nepal: Newar community demonstrate
- Ethnicity-based federalism a must, else the new constitution will be burnt – Newar CommunityMay 19, 2012 Speaking at a mass gathering organised by Newa Swayatta Rajya Manka Sangharsa Samiti in Kathmandu Saturday, leaders… Read more: Ethnicity-based federalism a must, else the new constitution will be burnt – Newar Community
- NRP Leader Dr. Shakya sworn in a ministerYen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – Dr. Keshav Man Shakya, president of Nepal National Party (NRP) was sworn in a minister… Read more: NRP Leader Dr. Shakya sworn in a minister
- Central Bank of Nepal to Print Buddha’s Birthplace – Lumbini on its Hundred Rupee NotesTHE NEWAH HIGHLY COMMENDS THE RASTRA BANK’S DECISION TO PRINT BUDDHA’S BIRTHPLACE LUMBINI ON ITS NOTES; URGE THE AUTHORITY TO… Read more: Central Bank of Nepal to Print Buddha’s Birthplace – Lumbini on its Hundred Rupee Notes
- Newah Jagaran Manch Elects New EXCOYen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – The 1st convention of the Newah Jagaran Manch (Newar Awakening Forum) held last satday in… Read more: Newah Jagaran Manch Elects New EXCO
- Newar for Newar Autonomyनेवा:तेगु झीगु देसे झीसँ हे स्वशासन यायेनु – डा. महेशमान श्रेष्ठ
- Sri Lankan President and PM condole Bhante Kumara Kassapa’s deathSri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa and Prime Minister DM Jayaratne expressed grief over the sudden demise of Upa Sanghanayaka (Deputy… Read more: Sri Lankan President and PM condole Bhante Kumara Kassapa’s death
- खस अहंकार व भाषा जाति सम्बन्धय् मोदनाथ प्रश्रीतनेपाल संवत ११३५ सिल्ला १९ (Feb. 8, 2015) लन्डन – (प्रगतिशीलताया ख्वाःपाः पुयाः खस अहंकारवादया वकालत यायेगु व थौकन्हय् नांगा… Read more: खस अहंकार व भाषा जाति सम्बन्धय् मोदनाथ प्रश्रीत
- NEPAL: Dharan Declaration of International Conference on Exercising the Right to Self-determination and Autonomy of Indigenous PeoplesDharan – Kirat Yakthung Chumlung, an indigenous peoples organization affiliated to the AIPP member organization Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities… Read more: NEPAL: Dharan Declaration of International Conference on Exercising the Right to Self-determination and Autonomy of Indigenous Peoples
- Interim constitution amendment withdrawnYen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – The Nepal Government this evening withdrew its proposal to the 11th amendment of the V.… Read more: Interim constitution amendment withdrawn
- First World Newar Convention in London links Kathmandu through Tele-conferenceYen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – Oct. 30: Newars from Nepal too are taking part in the first World Newar Convention… Read more: First World Newar Convention in London links Kathmandu through Tele-conference
- Nepal’s Chief Prelate monk passes away.Yen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – The most Venerable Bhante Buddhaghosha the eldermost Buddhist monk in Nepal passed away this morning… Read more: Nepal’s Chief Prelate monk passes away.
- The Newarland is launched todayYen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – The Newarland monthly is out today. The first copy was released by Dr. Satya Mohan… Read more: The Newarland is launched today
- Major party leaders assure Nepal Mandala “Newar autonomous state” in the New Constitution.Nepal Year 1131 Gunla 22 Yala (Lalitpur), Nepal Mandala – Leaders of three major party leaders led by UNCP chairman… Read more: Major party leaders assure Nepal Mandala “Newar autonomous state” in the New Constitution.
- Vajracharya Trust General Secretary to contest Nepal’s National Buddhist Federation’s Treasurer positionYen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – In a posting received to The Newah, the Dharmodaya Sabha, the National Buddhist Federation of… Read more: Vajracharya Trust General Secretary to contest Nepal’s National Buddhist Federation’s Treasurer position
- Ambassador Yonjan calls on international community to support consolidate the ongoing peace process in NepalHiroshima (The Newah) – Nepal Ambassador to Japan H.E. Dr. Ganesh Yonzan Tamang called on the international community to support… Read more: Ambassador Yonjan calls on international community to support consolidate the ongoing peace process in Nepal
- Govinda Mainali’s appeal likely to be heard; may walk a free man soonerTokyo – (The Newah) – Govinda Prasad Mainali, a Nepali citizen in Japan, jailed for convicted murder of a woman… Read more: Govinda Mainali’s appeal likely to be heard; may walk a free man sooner
- International Indigenous film festival in DharanYen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – Indigenous Film Promotion Committee, Sunsari in Dharan is to hold international indigenous film festival in… Read more: International Indigenous film festival in Dharan
- Prakash Man in BaluwatarYen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – We reported about Nepali Congress General Secretary Prakash Man Singh’s absence in the crucial meeting… Read more: Prakash Man in Baluwatar
- Namobuddha killed in BardiaYen(Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – A Nepalnews.com news reports today that a tiger with GPS technology killed. The tiger was named… Read more: Namobuddha killed in Bardia
- Prakash Man missing from the crucial meetingYen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – Before the New Constitution of Nepal drafting is completed, the term for the CA and… Read more: Prakash Man missing from the crucial meeting
- Lo & Behold, the New Constitution of Nepal dropping the “Federal Republic”Yen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – One of the eight disputes it is learnt to have settled by the Statute sub-committee… Read more: Lo & Behold, the New Constitution of Nepal dropping the “Federal Republic”
- Interaction on Nepal’s New Constitution and Restructuring of the StateYen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – An interaction program was organised yesterday in the capital by Newa Jagaran Manch (NJM) on… Read more: Interaction on Nepal’s New Constitution and Restructuring of the State
- Nepal census begins today, how conscious are we of our identity?Yen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – The 11th National Census has begun today collecting data of the head of household, women,… Read more: Nepal census begins today, how conscious are we of our identity?
- Lienhards’s departure saddens Asian classics loversYen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – The untimely demise of Prof Siefried Lienhard, the Austrian-Swedish scholar of Nepal’s ancient classic literature… Read more: Lienhards’s departure saddens Asian classics lovers
- Nepal invoked blessings of Buddhist chanting for Nirvana to the deceased in the Japan disasterYen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – Nepalese led by President Dr. Ramvaran Yadav envoked blessings of Buddhist chanting for Nirvana to… Read more: Nepal invoked blessings of Buddhist chanting for Nirvana to the deceased in the Japan disaster
- Quake disaster in Japan – generous support and genuine precautions neededTokyo – Exactly a week has passed today after the tsunami wave that followed an unexpected quake measured at 9.8… Read more: Quake disaster in Japan – generous support and genuine precautions needed
- Khanal is now PM of NepalCPN(UML) Chairman Jhal Nath Khanal got elected as the 34th Prime Minister of Nepal.
- Nepa Rastriya Party celebrating fourth of its establishment: The Newah extends greetings on the occasionYen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – Nepal’s only party “dedicated” for the cause of Newar population in and outside Nepal Mandala… Read more: Nepa Rastriya Party celebrating fourth of its establishment: The Newah extends greetings on the occasion
- The Newah Turns FourThe Newah, the world’s only blog to exchange news and views in Nepal Bhasa and English about Nepal culture and human rights gratefully acknowledge the support from its readers on its fourth birthday, today! Thank you for your interest in our efforts of sharing news and views of all of us alike, who care for who we are.
- Dragon Mohan Maharjan bags the Japan ChampionshipTokyo – Nepal’s Mohan Maharjan won the Japan championship title at the final kickboxing held in the Tokyo dome last… Read more: Dragon Mohan Maharjan bags the Japan Championship
- Texas Nepalese celebrate the Nepal New Year 1131Texas, US – The Newah Cultural Association of Texas, in association with Nepalese Society of Texas (NST) and Jhigu Sah:… Read more: Texas Nepalese celebrate the Nepal New Year 1131
- Nepal Lipi Online Supplement in celebration of Nepal’s National New Year 1131 releasedTokyo – Nepal Lipi Online Supplement in celebration of Nepal’s National New Year 1131 was released yesterday. The supplement consists… Read more: Nepal Lipi Online Supplement in celebration of Nepal’s National New Year 1131 released
- Nepal New Year 1131 celebrated pomp and pageant at home and abroadYen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – Nepal’s National New Year 1131 was celebrated pomp and pageant at home and abroad. With… Read more: Nepal New Year 1131 celebrated pomp and pageant at home and abroad
- Happy Nepal New Year 1131! Swanti Festival begins today.On the auspicious occasion of the 1131st Nepal’s National New Year, The Newah family extends its heartiest best wishes to… Read more: Happy Nepal New Year 1131! Swanti Festival begins today.
- Happy Vijaya Dasami!On the happy occasion of Vijaya Dasami (Dasain/Mohani), the Newah family extend heartiest wishes to all our brothers and sisters… Read more: Happy Vijaya Dasami!
- Nepal Script – Lesson 15 (Numbers)In our fourteenth lesson on the Nepal script, we introduced combined letters with semi-vowels of “ya, ra, la, va” known… Read more: Nepal Script – Lesson 15 (Numbers)
- Nepal’s Dragon Mohan Maharjan knocks out his opponent at M-A boxing in TokyoTokyo – Mohan Maharjan Nepal’s boxer, title holder of “Dragon” has won M-A Kick Boxing Match held at Ariake, Tokyo… Read more: Nepal’s Dragon Mohan Maharjan knocks out his opponent at M-A boxing in Tokyo
- World Newah Organization forms its ad hoc committeeThe Second World-Wide Tele-Conference held on NS 1130 Gunla 11 Saturday (August 21, 2010) with the Individual and organizational participants… Read more: World Newah Organization forms its ad hoc committee
- Gold medalist Ayasha Shakya nominated for Pulsar AwardYen, Nepal Mandala – Ayasha Shakya, the Gold Medalist of the 11th South Asian Games (SAG) held in Dhaka, Bangladesh… Read more: Gold medalist Ayasha Shakya nominated for Pulsar Award
- Nepal Script – Lesson 14In our thirteenth lesson on the Nepal script, we introduced combined letters with semi-vowels of “ya, ra, la, va” known… Read more: Nepal Script – Lesson 14
- Future of Nepal Bhasa medium education – Yet to be answered questionYen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – The results of the recent School Leaving Certificate (SLC) showed students, who sat for the… Read more: Future of Nepal Bhasa medium education – Yet to be answered question
- Good bye Maksha, the prince of the poor!Tokyo – It was on Thu, 23 Jul 2009 18:24:41, all of us got a message from Maksha (Dr. Maksha… Read more: Good bye Maksha, the prince of the poor!
- Nepal Bhasa fortnightly the Laykoo is onlineYen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – Laykoo, the Nepal Bhasa fortnightly edited by noted journalist Nareshbir Shakya and published by Ilohan… Read more: Nepal Bhasa fortnightly the Laykoo is online
- Nepal Bhasa poem by Anish Shakyaस्याःचाः – अनिश शाक्य तुतिखं न्हुये मयःगु ध्याचः जुल जिन्दगी सुयातं मयःगु प्याचः जुल दुःख खनाः गन जक बिस्यु मवनाः… Read more: Nepal Bhasa poem by Anish Shakya
- World Newah Organization condemns use of force against peaceful demonstration in KathmanduWashington DC – The World Newah Organization has condemned the use of force against peaceful demonstration in Kathmandu in a… Read more: World Newah Organization condemns use of force against peaceful demonstration in Kathmandu
- Nepal Script – Lesson 13In our twelfth lesson on the Nepal script, we introduced combined letters with semi-vowels of “ya, ra, la, va” known… Read more: Nepal Script – Lesson 13
- Nepal Bhasa literati commemoratedYen, Nepal Mandala – Newah Mahaguthi comemorated the birthdays of prominent literatis of Yogbir Singh, Prem Bahadur Kasah, Chittadhar “Hriday”… Read more: Nepal Bhasa literati commemorated
- Let’s be a real acupuncturist!धात्थेँ याम्ह आक्युपन्क्चरिस्ट् जुयेनु उकुन्हुतिनि यानादिल न्हूधाः, नेपाल भास परिसद भवनया हनेबहम्ह राकेश सूद दूत भाजुँ, झीगु जःदेय् हिन्दुस्तानया पुलाँगु… Read more: Let’s be a real acupuncturist!
- Open letter to Nepal Bhasa Parisad against the exclusion of the language of the landAn open letter has been sent to the Nepal Bhasa Parisad with a request to revise the inscription correctly. The… Read more: Open letter to Nepal Bhasa Parisad against the exclusion of the language of the land
- BREAKING NEWS: Dr. Bhakta Man Shrestha returned home safeYen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – Missing Dr. Bhakta Man Shrestha, Executive Director of Chitawan Cancer hospital, Bharatpur, Nepal is reported… Read more: BREAKING NEWS: Dr. Bhakta Man Shrestha returned home safe
- Indian Ambassador declares open Nepal Bhasa Parishad buildingYen, Nepal Mandala – Renovated building donated by Nepal’s Great Poet Chittadhar Hriday and his sister Motilaxmi Upasika to Nepal… Read more: Indian Ambassador declares open Nepal Bhasa Parishad building
- Black Day observed in Nepal.Yen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – The Newar and Indigenous nationalities of Nepal observed Black Day yesterday recalling the day the… Read more: Black Day observed in Nepal.
- An Appeal to release Dr. Bhakta Man Shrestha: Your clue of whereabout of this worthy man, who worked to save patients will lead to save him.Dr. Bhakta Man Shrestha, the Chief of Chitawan Cancer Hospital has been missing for the past two weeks. We do… Read more: An Appeal to release Dr. Bhakta Man Shrestha: Your clue of whereabout of this worthy man, who worked to save patients will lead to save him.
- The Veisakha Full Moon Day: The Triple Blessed DayToday, the Full-moon day of Veisakha is the triple blessed day for it is today the world join the Buddhists… Read more: The Veisakha Full Moon Day: The Triple Blessed Day
- Nepal Script 12 (Prachalit Lipi Lesson 12)In our eleventh lesson on the standard Nepal script, we introduced combined letters with semi-vowels of “ya, ra, la, va”… Read more: Nepal Script 12 (Prachalit Lipi Lesson 12)
- CA blockade by Newar community – A great successYen, Nepal Mandala – It was a great success, the blockade of Constituent Assembly of Nepal imposed yesterday by Newar… Read more: CA blockade by Newar community – A great success
- In support of Newar identity and its legitimate Autonomous State, Nepal’s Constitution Assembly to be blockaded tomorrowYen, Nepal Mandala – The Solidarity for Newar Autonomous State has called on all to join tomorrow after noon (14:00… Read more: In support of Newar identity and its legitimate Autonomous State, Nepal’s Constitution Assembly to be blockaded tomorrow
- Free distribution of Nepal calendar 1130Yen, Nepal Mandala – The Nepal Lipi Guthi (Nepal Script Trust) is distributing the 1130 Nepal calendar it has published… Read more: Free distribution of Nepal calendar 1130
- New Nepal’s Federal structure and secularism are not reversible – CA Speaker Subhash NemwangYen, Nepal Mandala – New Nepal’s Federal structure and secularism is not reversible, said the Constituent Assembly speaker, Subhash Nemwang… Read more: New Nepal’s Federal structure and secularism are not reversible – CA Speaker Subhash Nemwang
- Consultative meeting on encoding Nepal Scripts ended successfullyThe consultative meeting on encoding Nepal scripts held saturday ended successfully. For detail, please click the following: 1) Encoding Nepal… Read more: Consultative meeting on encoding Nepal Scripts ended successfully
- Nepal lost a great scholar of Nepal Scripts and Buddhism: Pundit Hem Raj ShakyaYala, Nepal Mandala – Nepal lost an unmatchable epigrapher, Nepal Lipi (scripts) specialist and scholar of Buddhism, Pundit Hem Raj… Read more: Nepal lost a great scholar of Nepal Scripts and Buddhism: Pundit Hem Raj Shakya
- World Newah Forum to opine why Nepal Mandala for Newah StateWashington, US – The World Newah Forum is learnt to have formed a committee to seek views from Newah community… Read more: World Newah Forum to opine why Nepal Mandala for Newah State
- Conspiracy to divide Nepal Mandala, the heartland of the Newah communityYen, Nepal Mandala – The recently submitted Federation model to divide Nepal into fourteen states by Constitution Committee to the… Read more: Conspiracy to divide Nepal Mandala, the heartland of the Newah community
- Nepal Script 11 (Prachalit Lipi Lesson 11)In our tenth lesson on Prachalit Lipi – the standard Nepal script, we introduced combined letters with semi-vowels of “ya,… Read more: Nepal Script 11 (Prachalit Lipi Lesson 11)
- Defending indigenous identity in Nepal:Some thoughts – Naresh Bir SakyaYen, Nepal Mandala – In response to demands of autonomies for ethnicity and regions in a New Nepal, a fourteen… Read more: Defending indigenous identity in Nepal:Some thoughts – Naresh Bir Sakya
- Salute to the Martyrs’ of Nepal!Yen, Nepal Mandala – In commemoration of the Martyrs’ Day being observed today amid various functions in Nepal, we extend… Read more: Salute to the Martyrs’ of Nepal!
- Sri Lanka’s President reelectedColombo – Sri Lanka’s incumbent President Mahinda Rajapaksa won re-election for the second time on Wednesday in a tough electoral… Read more: Sri Lanka’s President reelected
- New-ah Bob Marley: Get up, Stand up!Read the lyrics below the video to sing with New-ah Bob Marley for Nepal Mandala, the legitimate area for Newah… Read more: New-ah Bob Marley: Get up, Stand up!
- Size of New Nepal’s Federal States – Mockery of the CenturyYen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – The Constituent Assembly (CA) Committee on State Restructuring and Distribution of State Powers has chosen… Read more: Size of New Nepal’s Federal States – Mockery of the Century
- Nepal’s traditional musicians’ gatheringNaasah Srishti Arts, a club dedicated for the promotion of Nepal’s traditional flute, organized a gathering of students and teachers… Read more: Nepal’s traditional musicians’ gathering
- The Struggle for Newah Autonomy reaches to its 2nd year while The Newah celebrates its 2nd BirthdayYen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – The Newah, the World’s only blog to exchange news and views in Nepal Bhasa and… Read more: The Struggle for Newah Autonomy reaches to its 2nd year while The Newah celebrates its 2nd Birthday
- Newah Republic of Nepal Mandala – A New Nepal in Newah PerspectiveYen, Nepal Mandala – People of Nepal have chosen to make their country a Federal Democratic Republic, which is already… Read more: Newah Republic of Nepal Mandala – A New Nepal in Newah Perspective