- 𑐩𑑀𑐴𑐣𑐶 𑐣𑐏𑑅 𑐧𑐮𑐫𑑂 𑐣𑐂𑐐𑐸 𑐨𑑀𑐫𑑂by Suwarn Vajracharya𑐜𑐵. 𑐳𑐸𑐰𑐣𑑂 𑐰𑐖𑑂𑐬𑐵𑐔𑐵𑐬𑑂𑐫 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮 𑐡𑐾𑐳𑐫𑑂 𑐡𑐔𑑂𑐕𑐶𑐫𑐵 𑐡𑐸𑐣𑐾 𑐠𑐷𑐠𑐷 𑐣𑐏𑑅 𑐴𑐣𑐷 𑑋 𑐡𑐎𑐮𑐾 𑐟𑑅𑐢𑑄𑐐𑐸 𑐣𑐏𑑅 𑐣𑑂𑐴𑐹𑐡𑑃 𑐴𑐣𑐵 𑐣𑑂𑐴𑑂𑐫𑐵𑐂𑐐𑐸 𑐳𑑂𑐰𑐣𑑂𑐟𑐶 𑐣𑐏𑑅 𑐏𑑅𑑋 𑐡𑑃𑐫𑐵 𑐡𑐎𑐮𑐾 𑐮𑐷𑐥𑐵 𑐴𑐣𑐷𑐐𑐸 𑐣𑐏𑑅𑐫𑐵𑐟 𑐩𑑀𑐴𑐣𑐶 𑐣𑐏𑑅 𑐢𑐵𑐂 𑑋 𑐩𑑀𑐴𑐣𑐶 𑐣𑐏𑑅 𑐥𑐾𑐠𑐷 𑐡𑐹𑐐𑐸 𑐂𑐟𑐶𑐴𑐵𑐳 𑐡𑐸𑐳𑐵𑑃, 𑐎𑑁𑐮𑐵𑐠𑑂𑐰 𑐥𑐵𑐬𑐸𑐣𑐶𑐳𑐾𑑃 𑐡𑐳𑐩𑐶 𑐟𑐎 𑐴𑐣𑐷𑐐𑐸 𑐣𑐏𑑅 𑐟𑑅𑐖𑐶𑐎 𑐴𑐣𑐷 𑑋 𑐠𑑂𑐰 𑐣𑐏𑑅 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑑅𑐩𑐶𑐫𑐵 𑐠𑐷𑐠𑐷 𑐥𑐸𑐔𑐮𑑃 𑐠𑑅𑐠𑑅𑐐𑐸 𑐥𑐴𑐮𑑃 𑐗𑑅𑐗𑑅 𑐢𑐵𑐫𑐾𑐎 𑐴𑐣𑐷 𑑋… Read more: 𑐩𑑀𑐴𑐣𑐶 𑐣𑐏𑑅 𑐧𑐮𑐫𑑂 𑐣𑐂𑐐𑐸 𑐨𑑀𑐫𑑂
- The Goals for revitalizing Nepalbhasa and the dream to make it another International Languageby Suwarn VajracharyaNepalbhasa is the original language of Nepal. Its original script is Nepal-lipi. It has a 3500 year-long history that it has become an independent language from Sino-Tibetan language family before 1500 B.C. (Glover, 1970; Tuladhar, 2000). Nepalbhasa is the oldest language in Nepal. It has been the mother tongue of the Nepami (the original citizens,… Read more: <strong>The Goals for revitalizing Nepalbhasa and </strong><strong></strong><strong>the dream to make it another International Language</strong>
- How to preserve Nepal’s invaluable manuscripts and data?by Suwarn Vajracharya𑐐 𑐠𑐾 𑐫𑐵𑑅𑐳𑐵 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮𑐡𑐾𑐳𑐫𑐵 𑐩𑐹𑐰𑑄𑐐𑐸 𑐳𑐦𑐹 𑐰 𑐜𑐾𑐚𑐵 𑐳𑑄𑐬𑐎𑑂𑐲𑐞 𑐖𑐸𑐂? 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮𑐮𑐶𑐥𑐶𑑃 𑐔𑑂𑐰𑐫𑐵𑐟𑑅𑐐𑐸 𑐩𑐹𑐰𑑄𑐐𑐸 𑐳𑐦𑐹 𑐢𑐩𑐵𑐢𑐩𑑂 𑐣𑐵𑐳 𑐖𑐸𑐫𑐵 𑐰𑐿 𑐔𑑂𑐰𑑄𑐐𑐸𑐡𑐸𑐳𑐵 𑐄𑐖𑑀𑐐𑐸 𑐳𑐦𑐹 𑐫𑐵𑐟 𑐕𑐸 𑐐 𑐠𑐾 𑐫𑐵𑑅𑐳𑐵 𑐳𑑄𑐬𑐎𑑂𑐲𑐞 𑐖𑐸𑐂 𑐢𑐿𑐐𑐸 𑐢𑐣𑑂𑐣𑐵 𑐳𑐦𑐹𑐫𑐵 𑐩𑐹 𑐠𑐹𑐥𑐶𑐳𑑃 𑐎𑐫𑐵 𑐰𑐫𑐵 𑐔𑑂𑐰𑑄𑐐𑐸 𑐡𑐸𑑋 𑐠𑐸𑐖𑑀𑐐𑐸 𑐳𑐦𑐸𑐫𑐵 𑐳𑑄𑐬𑐎𑑂𑐲𑐞 𑐫𑐵𑐫𑐾𑐐𑐸 𑐧𑐶𑐔𑐵𑑅 𑐴𑐾 𑐀𑐟𑐶𑐎𑐣 𑐧𑐵𑐣𑐮𑐵𑐐𑐸 𑐧𑐶𑐔𑐵𑑅 𑐏𑑅𑑋 𑐠𑐸𑐖𑑀𑐐𑐸 𑐧𑐶𑐔𑐵𑑅 𑐫𑐵𑐟 𑐗𑐷𑐳𑑃 𑐖𑑂𑐫𑐵𑐏𑑃𑐫𑑂 𑐴𑐶𑐮𑐾𑐐𑐸 𑐠𑑁𑑃𑐫𑐵 𑐁𑐰𑐳𑑂𑐫𑐎𑐟𑐵 𑐴𑐾 𑐖𑐸𑐫𑐵… Read more: How to preserve Nepal’s invaluable manuscripts and data?
- 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮 𑐣𑐐𑐸𑐩𑐵 𑐕𑐾𑐮𑐾𑐐𑐸 𑐕𑐟𑐵𑐖𑐶 𑐴𑑂𑐣𑐹𑐐𑐸 𑐮𑐹𑐏𑑃 (A New Concept of Using Nepal Calendar)by root𑐫𑐾𑑃 – 𑐣𑐾.𑐳𑑄. 𑑑𑑑𑑓𑑘 𑐥𑑀𑐴𑐾𑐮𑐵 𑑑𑑑 𑐳𑐸𑐎𑑂𑐬𑐰𑐵𑑅 (Dec. 29, 2017) 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮 𑐡𑐾𑐳𑐫𑐵 𑐩𑑁𑐮𑐶𑐎 𑐣𑐐𑐸𑐩𑐵𑐎𑐠𑑃 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮𑐫𑑂 𑐴𑐣𑐵𑐰𑐫𑐵 𑐔𑑂𑐰𑑄𑐐𑐸 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮 𑐣𑐐𑐸𑐩𑐵 𑐫𑐵𑐟 𑐕𑐾𑐮𑐾𑐐𑐸 𑐮𑐎𑑂𑐲𑐎𑐫𑐵 𑐕𑐐𑐸 𑐴𑑂𑐣𑐹𑐐𑐸 𑐮𑐹𑐏𑑃 𑐎𑐠𑑃 “𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮 𑐣𑐐𑐸𑐩𑐵 – 𑐖𑐶𑐐𑐸 𑐣𑐐𑐸𑐩𑐵” 𑐣𑐵𑐩𑑃 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮 𑐣𑐐𑐸𑐩𑐵 𑐥𑐶𑐴𑐵𑑃 𑐰𑐫𑐾𑐟𑐾𑑄𑐐𑐸 𑐡𑐸 𑑋 𑐠𑑂𑐰 𑐴𑐾 𑐥𑑀𑐴𑐾𑐮𑐵𑐫𑐵 𑑑𑑒 (𑐡𑑂𑐰𑐵𑐡𑐳𑐶) 𑐳𑐣𑐶𑐰𑐵𑑅 𑐎𑐸𑐴𑑂𑐣𑐸 𑐖𑐸𑐂𑐐𑐸 𑐴𑐮𑐶𑑄 𑐣𑐾𑐰𑐵𑑅 𑐐𑐸𑐠𑐶𑐫𑐵 𑐖𑑂𑐫𑐵𑐗𑑂𑐰𑐮𑐫𑑂 𑐠𑑂𑐰 𑐣𑐐𑐸𑐩𑐵 𑐥𑐶𑐠𑐣𑐷𑐐𑐸 𑐡𑐸 𑑋… Read more: 𑐣𑐾𑐥𑐵𑐮 𑐣𑐐𑐸𑐩𑐵 𑐕𑐾𑐮𑐾𑐐𑐸 𑐕𑐟𑐵𑐖𑐶 𑐴𑑂𑐣𑐹𑐐𑐸 𑐮𑐹𑐏𑑃 (A New Concept of Using Nepal Calendar)
- त:भुखाचया हसना – स्वनिग:यात न्हूगु यायेनुby Suwarn Vajracharyaयेँ, नेपालमण्डल – पुलावंगु दँया बछला (वैसाख) य् ब्व:गु त:भुखाचं स्यंकूगु झीगु छेँ, देग:, बहा, बही व व त:भुखाचँ ज्यान का:गु द्वलँ द्व:या नेपा:मितेगु मूवंगु ज्यान, उकिँयाना: उसाँय् मदेका च्वने मा:गु, देसय् सरकार दुसाँ “मसनीगु ल्हा:” थेँ नेपा:मितयेत ज्या मव:गु सरकार, राहतया लागी विदेसँ खर्बँ खर्ब डलरया ग्वाहालि व:साँ पीडिततयेगु ल्हाती जाकि १ किलो व चाउ… Read more: त:भुखाचया हसना – स्वनिग:यात न्हूगु यायेनु
- HUYEN SANG’S TRAVEL TO LUMBINI: A DESCRIPTIONby Suwarn VajracharyaYen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – Huyen Sang, a great traveller of China is creditted to a number of records of his vist to historical places in Nepal and India related to the Buddha, the proponent of World peace. We republish here for the benefit of our readers a part of his contribution rendered into English by Samael Beal.… Read more: HUYEN SANG’S TRAVEL TO LUMBINI: A DESCRIPTION
- त:भुखाचिया हसना :- स्वनिग:यात न्हुगु यायेनुby Suwarn Vajracharyaत:भुखाचँ स्यंकूगु झी छेँ, देगल, बहा, बही, वँ ज्यान कागु द्वलँद्वलया नेपालमि तयेगु मूवंगु ज्यान, उकीँयाना उसाँय् मदेका च्वने मागु, देसे सरकार दुसाँ मसनीगु ल्हाथेँ नेपालमितयेत ज्या मव:गु सरकार, राहतया लागी विदेसँ खर्बँ गुहालि व:सा पीडिततयेगु ल्हाती जाकि १ किलो व चाउचाउ २ पुरि हे काय् खँपिँ दुला मदुला धैगु खँ ञनेबले त:भुखाचँला नेवा:मितयेत त:धंगु… Read more: त:भुखाचिया हसना :- स्वनिग:यात न्हुगु यायेनु
- Understanding Nepal’s Nepami people, their language and cultureby Suwarn VajracharyaUnderstanding Nepal’s Nepami people, their language and culture has been not easy as some of us are eager to share what we know before we take some time to preview what we write. We have a duty to disseminate the correct information. It is important that we abide by our duty when we share something… Read more: Understanding Nepal’s Nepami people, their language and culture
- Bhante Ashwaghosh, the Sanghanayaka Mahathero of Nepal completes 89by Suwarn Vajracharya– By Dr. Suwarn Vajracharya[*] Bhante Ashwaghosh, the Most Venerable Sanghanayaka (Chief Prelate) of the Bhikkhu Sangha of Nepal completes his 89th birthday this month. His disciple monks, devout nuns and laity celebrate his birthday on Saturday the 30th May at Sangharama Buddhist Vihara in Kathmandu. The Vihara popularly known as Sangharama (Residence for Sangha,… Read more: Bhante Ashwaghosh, the Sanghanayaka Mahathero of Nepal completes 89
- थूसी छक: अ:खतँ दान याना स्वाँया पुन्हि हनेनु।by Suwarn Vajracharyaयेँ, नेपालमण्डल – भुखाय् ब्वया बुद्ध बूगु थ्व नेपालदेसया छथ्व: जनयात दुख जुया च्वंगु इलय् मेथ्व: पासापिसँ उद्धार याना च्वंगु खना छेँ दुनाव:गु स्वयागु थ्व मिखाय् मव:गु ख्वबि मचायक कुतुँ वल। थ्व ज्याय् भन्तेपिनिगु सक्रियात खनानँ श्रद्धाया स्वाँ मचायक हे झीगु नगले ह्वया च्वन। अले मचायकहे थथे मती वल। बुद्धबूगु, वस्पोलँ बोधिज्ञान कै बिज्यागु व… Read more: थूसी छक: अ:खतँ दान याना स्वाँया पुन्हि हनेनु।
- Aftermath of the Earthquake in Nepal: What to do next is important.by Suwarn VajracharyaYen (Kathmandu) – We can not find enough word to express our sympathy to our friends who have lost their family members in the worst earth quake in our motherland Nepal. But wish them to atain the bliss of Nibbaba, where they do not undergo any suffering hereafter. It is not yet very clear what… Read more: Aftermath of the Earthquake in Nepal: What to do next is important.
- झीगु छ्येला बुलाय् नेपालभासया नाँby Suwarn Vajracharyaनेपालभास धैगु खँग्वयात गैर नेवा:तेसँ जक मखु झी नेवा:तेसँहे थीथीकथँ च्वयेगु याना च्वंगु बारे छत्वाचा मंखना च्वया च्वना। गैरनेवा:तेसँ नेवारी, नेवार भाषा धका च्वयेगु यासाँ स्यूपिसँ “नेपालभाषा” धका हे च्वइपिँ दु। खसभास न्हिपौ गोरखापत्र, अन्नपूर्ण, कान्तिपुर थेँ जागु अखबारे नेपाल भासयात खसभासँ “नेपालभाषा” धका च्वयेगु या:। झी नेवा:तेसँ नेपालभासयात “नेवारी” धका च्वइपिँ म्हो धाय् थाय्… Read more: झीगु छ्येला बुलाय् नेपालभासया नाँ
- Encoding Nepal Lipi in Unicode: An Update of Effortsby Suwarn VajracharyaNote: ePaper version of this article can be read here. It is heartening to be informed that a group of script encoding experts is visiting Nepal to discuss the encoding Nepal scripts from 4 to 10 October 2014. The group is led by Dr. Deborah Anderson, a researcher and leader of Script Encoding Initiative (SEI)… Read more: Encoding Nepal Lipi in Unicode: An Update of Efforts
- Update about Encoding Nepalese Script (Nepal Lipi)by Suwarn VajracharyaIt has been four years since we opened a public discussion on March 20, 2010 about encoding Nepal Lipi in Unicode. On this day, a consultative meeting was held at Harati Hotel in Kathmandu. It was organized by Nepal Lipi Guthi (Nepalese Script Trust) (NLG hereafter) chaired by its chair Sharad Kasah “Kasahchhen” and attended… Read more: Update about Encoding Nepalese Script (Nepal Lipi)
- Nepal Mandala as Newar-landby Suwarn VajracharyaRegion of Nepalmandal as Newar-land – Kashinath Tamot Three territories are understood by the word ‘Nepal’- 1. Nepāla-garta (Svanigaḥ/Nepālakhālḍo/Nepala-upatyakā/Greater Kathmandu) 2. Nepāla-maṇḍala (Hill region of Middle Development Region) 3. Nepāla-adhirājya (Territory from easternmost Mechī to westernmost Mahākālī ) Here is reported about 12 districts included within Nepalmandal among 75 districts of the state of Nepal.… Read more: Nepal Mandala as Newar-land
- Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact stands firm with Nepal’s indigenous peoplesby Suwarn Vajracharya23 May 2012 Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP), in a statement today, has called for urgent decisive actions within human rights framework to uphold inclusive democracy and peace based on social justice for resolution to political tensions on adoption of Nepal’s new constitution. It has also expressed unity with Nepal’s indigenous peoples in asserting their… Read more: Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact stands firm with Nepal’s indigenous peoples
- नेवार समुदाय माथि खस-बाहुन शासक वर्गको अत्याचारby Suwarn Vajracharya– सौरभ शाक्य नेवार समुदाय माथि देखिने र नदेखिने गरी खस-बाहुन शासक वर्गले अत्याचार गरेको धेरै भइ सक्यो । तिनको अत्याचारको पिडा त अब नेवारले महशुस गर्न पनि बिर्सी सकेको छ । केहि त्यस्ता पीडाहरु यहाँ म उल्लेख गर्न चाहन्छु । १) पृथ्वीनारायणले उपत्यका कब्जा गरेपछि यहाँ हुने सबै निर्माण कार्यमाथि प्रतिबन्ध लगाइयो । नयाँ… Read more: नेवार समुदाय माथि खस-बाहुन शासक वर्गको अत्याचार
- नेपाल संवत छ्येलेगु गुकथँ?by Suwarn Vajracharya
- Restructuring Nepal from Newar Perspective: Unfaily demarcated 14 states must not be a Hobson’s choiceby Suwarn VajracharyaWhat necessitates a country’s governance system to restructure may vary depending on individual cases. Many developing countries after civil war or ethnic conflict tend to seek changes against the existing governance systems. But taking up cases of Cambodia and South Africa for examples, both countries after decades old conflicts that led to civil war have… Read more: Restructuring Nepal from Newar Perspective: Unfaily demarcated 14 states must not be a Hobson’s choice
- Census 2011 to divert Nepal’s political change – ह्यूपा:या सम्वाहक मजुइगु आःया जनगणनाby Suwarn Vajracharya– नरेशवीर शाक्य – देय् गणतन्त्रय् दुहाँ वने धुंका न्हापां राष्ट्रीय जनगणना जुइत्यंगु दु। नेपाःया इतिहासय् थ्व स्वयां न्ह्यव झिक्वःतक जनगणना जुइधुंकूगु दु। थुकथं थ्व जनगणनाया ज्या नेपाः दुने सच्छि दँ पूवनेधुंकूगु दु। झिदँय् छकः पतिकँ जूगु थुजोगु जणगनाया आज्जु जनगणना पतिकँया दुने पाना वया च्वंगु दु। दकले न्हापां विस १९६८स याःगु जनगणनाया उद्देस्य निहित… Read more: Census 2011 to divert Nepal’s political change – ह्यूपा:या सम्वाहक मजुइगु आःया जनगणना
- Lienhards’s departure saddens Asian classics loversby Suwarn VajracharyaYen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – The untimely demise of Prof Siefried Lienhard, the Austrian-Swedish scholar of Nepal’s ancient classic literature including Nepal Bhasa, Pali and Sanskrit has saddened the Asian classics lovers. According to a press release (made available only in Khas Bhasa and English) by the Chwasapasa, the leading society of Nepal Bhasa writers… Read more: Lienhards’s departure saddens Asian classics lovers
- Quake disaster in Japan – generous support and genuine precautions neededby Suwarn VajracharyaTokyo – Exactly a week has passed today after the tsunami wave that followed an unexpected quake measured at 9.8 rector scale jolted the whole of north eastern region in Japan last Friday afternoon (Mar. 11). The tsunami washed away homes and facilities yet to take account of the damage and left over 6000 deaths,… Read more: Quake disaster in Japan – generous support and genuine precautions needed
- Conspiracy to divide Nepal Mandala, the heartland of the Newah communityby Suwarn VajracharyaYen, Nepal Mandala – The recently submitted Federation model to divide Nepal into fourteen states by Constitution Committee to the Constitution Assembly chairman is not acceptable to the indigenous Newah community of Nepal Mandala area. The new demarcation of Newah area has been limited only to three districts of Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur despite the Nepal… Read more: Conspiracy to divide Nepal Mandala, the heartland of the Newah community