Yen (Kathmandu), Nepal Mandala – In a posting received to The Newah, the Dharmodaya Sabha, the National Buddhist Federation of Nepal is to hold its General election on 21st August to elect a new executive board, Mr. Sagar Man Bajracharya, the General Secretary of Vajracharya Trust of Nepal has submitted his application for the post of Treasurer at the Dharmodaya Sabha. What many Buddhists and members have been shocked to learn seems to be that two Theravada monks are also contesting for the General Secretary and Tresurer posts of Dharmodaya Sabha in addition to the president post this term is suppossed to appont a Buddhist monk. This is, it is learnt that, the first time that two young Theravada monks are going to contest the posts normally allocated for the lay Buddhists – General Secretary and the Treasurer posts despite, it is learnt that, the president to be monk has advised the two young monks to refrain from contesting the posts allocated for the laity.