Books and articles about Nepal & Nepal Mandala (नेपाल मण्डल व नेपाल देस या च्वसूत व सफू धल)

For your reading pleasure, we have enlisted following articles, books and related information. You can help add more in the list, contact us at [email protected]The Newah

1. Buddhism in Nepal and Nepal Mandala, Dr . Naresh Man Vajracharya, Vajracharya Preservation Guthi, Kathmandu. Click here to read the article.

2. History of Nepalese Buddhism: From Mythological Tradition to the Licchavi Period – Dr. Shanker Thapa. The article

3. River — Names of the Nepal Valley: A Study in Cultural Annexation – Dr. Kamal P. Malla.

II. Books
1. Art and culture of Nepal Selected Papers, Mary Shepherd Slusser. Detail

2. Nepal Mandala: A Cultural Study of the Kathmandu Valley (In 2 Volumes) – Mary Shepherd Slusser