Memorial held in Honour of Late Satyaparami Gurumahn

Late Reverend Mother Satyaparami

In honour of the late Reverend Mother Satyaparami Gurumahn, a memorial service was organized yesterday noon in Gana Mahavihar, Kathmandu, by Dharma Vijaya Foundation Kathmandu amidst a gathering of venerable Buddhist monks, nuns, friends and relatives led by Dharma Vijaya Foundation President Venerable Sobhita Thera, Former Health & Labour Minister Dr. Padma Ratna Tuladhar, Former Nepal Ambassador for Japan Prof. Dr. Bishnu Hari Nepal and NESOCA Executive Secretary Mr. Maheswor Shrestha.

Memorial service at Gana Mahavihar

Earlier, a day long Buddhist chanting was offered by Buddhist clergy of elder monks and nuns representing several Buddhist temples of Kathmandu valley. The Bhikkhus and nuns were offered dana (alms) and daily needs including robes in memory of the late Gurumahn while the participants were treated with breakfast and lunch by her family. More in Nepal Bhasa (forthcoming)

In memory of Reverend Mother Satyaparami
श्रोत – समुद्रापारिडटकम्

In memory of Reverend Mother Satyaparami 2
श्रोत – समुद्रापारिडटकम्